Raiders with automatics or shotguns at close range are certain death without armor. Just a warning though, it does obviously make early game quite difficult at times. And some creatures like yaoi gui require 50 cal rounds to do it. I've not got rid of it, as Nick in the black modded trenchcoat looks rather badass using it) which does have a custom is the IF-54, primarily for a more dedicated rifleman/sniper character. A deathclaw is immune to headshots, as are robots. The only weapon I keep now (I love the M1 Garand, but got sick of the perma-aim. Basically, versus humans, any bullet that hits the had area will kill them instantly (player immune for gameplay reasons) UNLESS they have adequate head protection (metal helmet, power armor, etc, not a sack hood), then only higher calibur bullets will penetrate (such as. I use it religiously.īasically, it de-sponges targets that should NOT be sponging bullets realistically (humans, dogs, small animals, etc), while keeping larger targets very durable and hard to kill (deathclaws), and with some things in between (robots, synths especially are much harder to kill).Īlso it has some modular components built in, such as headshot support.

Better Locational Damage is closest to the mark.